How to Ace Your Job Interview

October 7th, 2019

Don’t play it cool.

During a job interview, you have to show you’re excited about the job.

A lot of job seekers forget that one of the most crucial parts of interviewing is convincing the hiring manager that they really want the job. Companies aren’t just looking for applicants who have the requisite skills and will toe the company line. They want candidates who want them.

Small business owners and hiring managers for large companies all confirm this: The most eager applicants quickly make the A-list.

There are many ways to convey your enthusiasm. One of the strongest ways to do this is to come prepared with a number of stories that illustrate your skills, strengths, and accomplishments. Show, don’t tell (or brag) about your abilities. Describe specific experiences that demonstrate how you put those skills to use.

In addition, try to use a direct approach and tell them how thrilled you’d be to work for them and for their organization.

Before the interview ends, ask where you stand compared with the ideal candidate. Then ask how you compare with other applicants. These questions may seem odd, but they emphasize how much you want the job and will help you take action after the interview.

Armed with this information, write a follow-up note that addresses the ways you were told you might not fit the ideal mold. This may help you turn a no into a yes. Remember, an interview may be the place where you get the information you need to sell yourself.

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